
Hello World #

This is an entrypoint for your jouney to C#.

string world = "World";

Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + world);
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {world}");

.NET #

Just like in Java, where you can compile code written with the javac compiler and run it with the java command, you can also compile C# code with the csc compiler.

However, you are reading this article and trying to learn C#, you will probably learn .NET So, I’ll introduce how to compile and run with the dotnet command.

.NET Installation #

Follow the guide on this link to install dotnet command

Project Setup #

$ dotnet new console -o HelloWorld
$ cd HelloWorld

This command creates a template of a console application named HelloWorld.

├── HelloWorld.csproj
├── Program.cs
└── obj
  • HelloWorld.csproj : project configuration file
  • Program.cs : entrypoint of the program

When you write and run a “Hello, World!” program in Program.cs using the dotnet run command, you will see the following output:

$ dotnet run
Hello, World!